The Idaho Republican Party has three geographical divisions: precincts, counties, and legislative districts. Within the Republican party, precincts are led by precinct committeemen, counties are led by the county central committee, and districts are led by the district central committee. Find your county Central Committee Officers and Precinct Committeemen (PC) below.
Executive Committee
Our executive committee includes our elected officers (who serve at the pleasure of the body) as well as one additional representative from the Precinct Committeemen. The executive committee members are re-selected every two years at the party's reorganization meeting following the Idaho Republican primary.
Precinct Committeemen
Precinct committeemen are duly elected members of the Republican central committee. They represent their fellow republicans in their precinct, brining their concerns to the central committee. Precinct committeemen are volunteers who help the committee to get out the vote (GOTV), fill vacancies, and vote on party business.